Course Code Course Title Available Support
CSCE 110 Programming I
CSCE 111 Introduction to Computer Science Concepts and Programming
CSCE 120 Program Design and Concepts
CSCE 121 Introduction to Program Design and Concepts
CSCE 181 Introduction to Computing
CSCE 201 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
CSCE 206 Structured Programming in C
CSCE 221 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSCE 222 Discrete Structures for Computing
CSCE 291 Research
CSCE 305 Computational Data Science
CSCE 310 Database Systems
CSCE 312 Computer Organization
CSCE 313 Intro to Computer System
CSCE 314 Programming Languages
CSCE 315 Programming Studio
CSCE 320 Principles of Data Science
CSCE 331 Foundations Software Engineer
CSCE 350 Computer Architecture and Design